At the Pen Festival 2010

At the Pen Festival 2010
© PEN American Center/Susan Horgan. All rights reserved. Please contact for usage and rights.

January 7, 2010

Women in Their Winter Boots

What I like most about South Florida is the women in their winter boots.

When the temperature dips into the sixties--I swear, the sixties--out come the boots.

I am sure this does not happen anywhere else in the country. But down here once the mercury dips to sixty--watch out!

It's ridiculous. Half of them are wearing midriff revealing tops, short-shorts, and winter boots. It's a weird juxtaposition, let me tell you.

Someone should do a photo blog of South Florida women wearing their winter boots in sixty degree weather with the palm trees, the ocean, and Canadian tourists in swimsuits and bikinis in the background. The blog would be sort of like Irwin Shaw's "Girls in Their Summer Dresses," except it would be about boots.

But the boots are quite stylish.

The boots look good without snow.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL so true so true.... They really should do a picture montage of SFL women in boots during the winter... One of the most odd spectacles I have ever seen anywhere...