I ran across this review of the book on Good Reads. It was so dead on it gave me chills. It kinda took me back to the zone I was in when I wrote the book. That was a black period in my life.
Craven Rock from Good Reads April 9, 2010
Great fast-paced story of a compulsive gambler. It reads as quickly as a Palahniuk except the author is able to create a really solid fleshed-out character and doesn't have to rely on fun facts to distract you from that. I must note that the pacing is also the only real comparison that can make between the two authors. I couldn't get over the way that the main character, P., was presented, he does a lot of really repulsive things and risks the welfare of his family (eventually losing them) to feed his habit. But still, the reader is unable to condemn, glorify or pity P.. Allen takes you so deep into the character's head and compulsions that it makes you realize that he is neither a monster, nor a folk hero and you find yourself rooting for him on a basic human level.